In grazing and spending way too much time on the 'net over the recent holidays, I began my slavish devotion to visiting and then categorizing every marketing communications blog in Canada (yes, insane and yet quite rewarding).
As a follow up to my Power 150 post on the Top 150 American MARCOM bloggers, below is an alphabetized list of the Power 150-ish Canadian MARCOM Bloggers - I'm calling them Canada's 1% Blogging Army.
Why 1%?
Posted here previously, outlined by both Jackie Huba in her new book Citizen Marketers and validated by companies like Yahoo, Harley Davidson and Wikipedia (and certainly embraced by my company Agent Wildfire), in every audience of 100 people, you find 80 people who pretty much stay to themselves, 20 percent who browse, consume and talk about things when asked, 10% who actively go out of their way to talk with others, investigate and have an intellectual curiousity (these people comment frequently on blogs) and then, a special 1% who create content, who lead opinion and who influence through their insight and collaboration with others.
Canada's 1% Blogging Army:
15 Posts | Toronto | Social Media | Five Minutes for Edgy Blogging |
3i with Tamera Kremer | Toronto | Marketing | Intelligent Insight from an Innovator |
A Class Act with Gary Schlee | Toronto | PR | The Molder of Future PR Minds |
A Frog in the Valley with Sylvain Carle | Montreal | Online | |
Ad Hack with James Sherrett | Vancouver | Advertising | The DIY Advertiser |
AIMS Canada | Toronto | Online | Who's Who and What's What in Canuck E- Nation |
All this Chittah Chiitah with Steve Portigal | California | Culture | Braille-ing The Cultural landscape |
Amber Mac with Amber MacArthur | Toronto | Culture | Canada's Version of Amanda Congdon |
Angie Mckaig | Toronto | Culture | Online Design …and a Nice Pair of Legs |
Antonia Zerbisias (Azerbic) | Toronto | Media | The Media Blogging Ringleader |
Anyting Goes Marketing with Chad Horenfeldt | Vancouver | Online | Covering the B to B Online Gamut |
Bamcat with Brian McKechnie | Toronto | Culture | Very Funny Web Surfer |
Being Direct with June Macdonald | Kitchener | Online | Pearls of Marketing One-to-One Wisdom |
Billions With Zero Knowledge with Austin Hill | Montreal | Online | Promoting a Better Planet through the Web |
Biotope with Geoffroi Garon | Montreal | Social media | |
Blogging me Blogging You with Ed Lee | Toronto | Marketing | At Tossed Mix of PR This and marketing That |
Blogue Vectis with François Laroche | Montreal | Marketing | |
Boyd Neil (H&K) | Toronto | PR | The Socially Responsible Flack |
Brem Experience with Martin Breton | Quebec City | Culture | |
Brendan Hodgson (H&K) | Ottawa | PR | The Capital City Crisis Communicator |
Buzz Canuck with Sean Moffitt | Toronto | Marketing | The Word of Word of Mouth |
Buzz Marketing with Blogs with Susannah Gardner | Vancouver | Online | Insight Beyond the Yellow Book |
Canadian Entrepreneur with Rick Spence | Toronto | Business | The Best Friend to Entrepreneurs |
Canadian Marketing Association Blog | Toronto | Marketing | A Collective of the Best in the Canuck Marketing World |
Canuckflack w/ Colin Mckay | Ottawa | PR | The Pioneer of Blogging Thoughts..Since 2003 |
CanuckTek by Brad Grier | Alberta | Online | The 411 on Tech |
Capital PR | Ottawa | PR | The Politics of Blogging, The Politics of Reading Good |
Capulet with Julie Szabo and Darren Barefoot | Vancouver | Marketing | The Captain & Tenille of Software Marketing |
CEO Blog-Time leadership with Jim Estill | Guelph | Business | The Role Model Corporate Bloggist |
Chroma with Constantino Demopoulos | Toronto | Media | The Multi-Talented Media Trendoid |
Clickinsight with June Li | Toronto | Online | The Genie of Web Analytics |
Common Sense PR with Eric Eggertson | Regina | PR | The Tip Book for Aspiring PR Titans |
Corvus Consulting with Todd Sieling | Vancouver | Online | Inisght in the Spirit of Collaboration |
CrapHammer with Sean Howard | Toronto | Social Media | Social Media and Viral in a Fancy Green Envelope |
Creativity, Change, Culture and Communications with Kris Krug | Vancouver | Social media | The Digital Renaissance Man |
Customer Experience Crossroads with Susan Abbott | Toronto | Research | The Intersection of Research & Customer Experience |
Darren with Darren Barefoot | Vancouver | Online | A Daily Dose of Van City |
David Crow | Toronto | Online | The Troublemaker with a Soft Spot for Entrepreneurs, Software and Community |
Deep Jive Interests with Tony Hung | Toronto | Online | A Geeky Techie Newshound |
Derek Leverington | Toronto | Marketing | A Collage of Random Thoughts |
DOA with Dominic Arpin | Montreal | Culture | |
Eli Singer | Toronto | Marketing | Daily Candy of Headlines |
Elliott Silverstein | Toronto | PR | New Media Enthusiast |
Ensight with Jeremy Wright | Toronto | Online | The Blogging Matchmaker |
Espresso with Yannick Manuri | Montreal | Online | |
Experience The Message w/ Max Lenderman | Chicago | Marketing | The Expert on Experience |
Flack Life with Bob LeDrew | Ottawa | PR | Chewing Gum for the Curious Mind |
Flackadelic with Leona Hobbs | Toronto | Pop Culture | The Weather Vane of Cool |
Fuel Games | Ottawa | Social Media | Where Play Meets Brand |
Green Hat with Julie Giles | Toronto | Marketing | The Source for Media/Entertainment Buzz & Hype |
Guillaume Brunet | Montreal | Social media | |
H&K with Lisa Walker | Toronto | PR | Insight from the H&K Rainmaker |
Home is Where You Hang Your @ with Michael Fergusson | Vancouver | Social Media | A Grab Bag of Social Media |
Horse, Pig, Cow with Tara Hunt | San Francisco | Community | A Mash Up of Cluetrain, Pinko and Naomi Klein |
I never knew with Patrick Tanguay | Montreal | Online | |
Ian Ketcheson | Ottawa | Social Media | The Blogging Bureaucrat |
Idea Hatching | Niagra Falls | Online | A Couple of Chicks on Clicks |
Imagination+Innovation with Duane Brown | Toronto | PR | The Man with Many Entertainment Hats |
In Over Your Head with Julien Smith | Montreal | Culture | |
Inside Popnology with Amber MacArthur | Toronto | Pop Culture | CITY-TV…now Really Everywhere |
Inside PR with Terry Fallis and David Jones | Toronto | PR | The Lewis & Clark of the PR/Social Media Double Scoop |
Inside the CBC with Tod Maffin | Vancouver | Media | Under the Hood at the CBC |
Ipub.CA.CX with Jean-Julien Guyot | Montreal | Social media | |
Jill Pyle | Halifax | Social Media | Really Insightful PR Student |
John Wiseman | Ottawa | Online | The Good Looking Tech Blog from the Nation's Capital |
Join the Conversation! With Alexandre Hénault | Montreal | Social Media | The Conversation Starter |
Jonathan Dunn (Mar-Comedy) | Toronto | Marketing | Refreshing Mag Columnist Take on New Media |
Keitai with Stephanie Rieger | Vancouver | Culture | Mobility, Culture and User Experience |
Le techno blog a Steph with Steph Guerin | Montreal | Online | |
Legal Marketing Canada with Doug Jasinski | Toronto | Marketing | The Law of the Land in Marketing |
Leigh's Blithering with Leigh Himel | Toronto | Online | Cool Stuff Entertainingly Exposed |
Leo Burnett: Fruits of Imagination | Toronto | Advertising | The Change Agent in the Apple Agency |
Lisa Mighton (Believing Impossible Things) | Vancouver | Social Media | The Non-Profit Social Media Activist |
Logic + Emotion with David Armano | Vancouver | Advertising | Deep Thoughts with…Creativity |
Malcolm Gladwell | New York | Pop Culture | The Smartest Export from Canada |
Maple Leaf 2.0 with Mark Evans | Toronto | Online | News from the Canadian Web 2.0 battlefield |
Mapping The Web with Aidan Henry | Victoria | Online | What Web Hot and What's Web Not |
Marc Snyder | Montreal | PR | Le Vrai Bon Homme du Blog |
Mark Evans Tech | Toronto | Online/Tech | The Master of T&T - Tech & Telco. |
Mark Hamilton | Vancouver | Media | Media Reviews from The Academic |
Martin Hofmann | Toronto | PR | The Canary in the PR Tech Gold Mine |
Matthew Ingram | Toronto | Online/Tech | The Ink Stained Expert of Canada's Webland |
Media Café with Jeff Mignon | Montreal | Media | |
Michael Geist | Ottawa | Online | Judge Wapner for Canadian Internet |
Michael Mcderment | Toronto | Online | Web 2.0 Value Adder |
Michel Leblanc (en Francais) | Outremont | Online | The Leading Edge of New Social Media |
MLM Marketing with Andrew Murphy | MLM | The Keys to Profitable Ethical Network Marketing | |
Moco Loco Montreal with Harry Wakefield | Montreal | Design | |
Moi, j'pense que with Yves Williams | Montreal | Online | |
Mutually Inclusive PR with Eric Eggertson | Saskatchewan | PR | Little Gems From the Prairies |
My Name is Kate with Kate Trgovac | Vancouver | Marketing | The Evangelist for All Things Innovative |
N'ayez Pas peur Philippe Martin | Montreal | Social Media | |
Networks (H&K) with Ted Graham | Toronto | PR | The Traffic Cop of Social Networks |
Niblettes | Vancouver | Design | Style Tidbits from the Left Coast |
Obviousness with John Ounpuu | Vancouver | Marketing | Empowering Common Sense |
Oglivy Toronto - Meanwhile | Toronto | Advertising | A Portfolio of "O&M's" Work |
One Degree with Ken Schafer and Company | Toronto | Online | The Hub for Internet Insiders |
Organic : ThreeMinds | Toronto | Marketing | The Holy Trinity of Digital Culture |
Otherwise engaged with Alexandar Samuel | Vancouver | Online | The Alderwoman of Civic Blogging |
Ouverte 24 Heures with Michel Dumais | Montreal | Online | |
Participation Highway with Dave Carter | Toronto | Research | Online 411 From the CTO |
Pierre Bouchard | Montreal | PR | |
Podonomics with Leesa Barnes | Toronto | Socila Media | The Professor of Podcasting |
Popped Culture with Jeremy Barker | Toronto | Culture | Obsessed in a Really Good Way |
PR Girlz from the femme fatales at Thornley Fallis | Toronto | PR | PR with Five Pairs of Stilettos |
PR Measure with Howard Oliver | Toronto | PR | Web 2.0 Tech Master |
PR Nation with Paul Zanettos | Toronto | PR | PR in Hospitality, Design & Travel |
PR Works with David Jones | Toronto | PR | The PR Vanguard Driving The Social Media Bus |
Praized with Sébastien Provencher | Montreal | Social Media | |
Profectio with Dave Forde | Toronto | Online | The Social Ringleader of New Media |
ProPR with Joe Thornley | Ottawa | PR | The Connector for Passionate PR Types |
Provokat with Martin Ouellette | Montreal | Social Media | |
Qumana | Toronto | Social Media | The Blogger's Blog |
Radical Trust With Collin Douma | Toronto | Marketing | An Ad & Online Guy Letting the Consumer Take the Wheel |
Rain City Studios: The Standard | Vancouver | Social Media | West Coast's Web 2.0 Wonders | | Toronto | Online | Start Up's Best Friend |
Remarkk with Mark Kuzyncki | Toronto | Innovation | Innovation & Creative Community |
Rob Cottingham | Vancouver | Social Media | The Wizard of Media Words |
Seen From Here/Vu D'Ici with Marie-Chantale Turgeon | Montreal | Culture | |
SEO & Web Marketing News with Eric Baillargeon | Montreal | Online | |
Shift + Control | Toronto | Online | Gift Sprinklings from 76 Design |
Sid Lee Collective | Montreal | Advertising | The Making of Sid Lee nee Diesel 's |
Smogger - Social Media Blog with Linda Bustos | Vanmcouver | Social Media | Social Media for the Masses |
Snook with Jonathan Snook | Ottawa | Online | A Repository of Web Problems Solved |
So Misguided with Monique Trottier | Vancouver | Culture | Plain Words, Uncommon Sense |
Social Media Group with Maggie Fox | Toronto | Social Media | The Siren of All Things Social Media |
Social Signal with Alexandra Samuel | Vancouver | Online | The Minister of Online Communities |
Steve Hardy at Creative Generalist | Montreal | Pop Culture | Musings for The Eclectic Mind |
Stuart Macdonald | Toronto | Online | The Jetsetting Ebusiness Maven |
Student PR with Chris Clarke | Toronto | PR | The Precocious PR Maven |
Sweetmantra with Bill Sweetman | Toronto | Online | The Practical Guide to the E-Galaxy |
Talking About Communities | Toronto | Social Media | Sequentia's Community Insights |
Talking Web 2.0 | Toronto | Online | A Webroll of Eight 2.0 All Stars |
TBWA\Toronto Blog | Toronto | Advertising | The Official Site of Jay Bertram and Co. |
Tell Ten Friends with Jordan Behan | Vancouver | Online | The Conversation Starter |
The Client Side with Michael Seaton | Toronto | Marketing | The Pied Piper of Marketeers |
The Hard Sell with Keith MacArthur | Toronto | Advertising | The Megaphone ot the Masses on Our Stuff |
The Instigator Blog with Ben Yoskovitz | Montreal | Social Media | The Entrepreneur-Helping Entrepreneur |
The Mose with Peter Moseley | Toronto | Online | Musings and More Musings |
The New Pr with Ryan Anderson | Ottawa | PR | Renaissance Guy in a PR Body |
The Other Bloke's Blog with Barry Welford | Montreal | Online | Thoughts from A Broad Minded Internet Marketeer |
The Post Money Value with Rick Segal | Toronto | Business | The New Media Bankman |
The Sophisticated Bohemian with Julia Stein | Toronto | PR | Sophisticated in the City |
The Talking Shop with John Sobel | Toronto | PR | |
The Trojan Mouse | Ottawa | Social Media | Web 2.0 Market Transformer |
The Tucows Blog | Toronto | Online | 7 Staffers Inside the Udder |
There is No Box with Jason Theodor | Toronto | Advertising | The Frenzied Sherpa of Online Branding/Media |
This Blog Sits at the...with Grant McCracken | New York | Research | The Thought Provoking Culture Shifter |
Thomas Purves | Toronto | Online | Imagining a New Web 2.0 |
Trafcom News with Donna Papacosta | Oakville | Media | The Queen of the Pod |
Twist Image with Mitch Joel | Montreal | Online | The Canuck Godfather of Social Media |
Uninstalled with Michael O'Connor Clarke | Toronto | PR | The Yoda of Canadian Marketing Blogs -Rants and Raves since 2001 |
Vincent Abry | Montreal | Social Media | |
Vincent Gautrais | Montreal | Online | |
Viral: with David Peralty & James Cogan | Toronto | Word of Mouth | Ground Zero for Everything Viral |
Voices from a PR Maven with Julie Rusciolelli | Toronto | PR | PR Maverick with an Opinion |
Vox in a Blog with François Goube | Montreal | Online | |
Webwalker with Douglas Walker | Toronto | Advertising | Ads from a Cultural Lense and Moonlighter of RPS |
We're Not Wired Right | Vancouver | Design | Sexy Looks, Sexy Thoughts |
Zero Seconde with Martin Lessard | Montreal | Social Media |
15 Seconds with Ali Karbassi Toronto Culture Culture Surfer with a Design Eye
- if any information is incorrect, I apologize, send me a comment and I'll fix
- if you don't like your handle, it was not meant to offend but to compliment, send me an equally pithy and entertaining replacement and I'll change it
- given my poor Grade 13 command of French, I did not feel comfortable labelling the blogs from my French speaking cousins (what a great insightful set of Quebecois blogs by the way - this was the biggest eyeopener from my experience) - I will gladly take volunteers for the task however
- if you hadn't posted anything in 3 months, I had presumed you were dormant on the way to blog death, if not -wake up, post at least once a month and let us know you're breathing
Hopefully, this is just the start of a budding community. It's strange that even though the web and by consequence blogs, have made the world flat - events and organizations like AIMs, MESH, Third Tuesday/Monday, the CMA, Geek Dinner, Profectio, Bar Camp, Pod Camp, Case Camp, Throng and a soon-to-be-announced other one, keep making us want to connect with each other live with those around us...particularly the blogging influential 1%.
Keep the conversation going/maintenir la conversation....and more on this post here later...
Social Media Zealots
Conversational Media Marketing
Greg Verdino
Altitude Branding
The Buzz Bin
Being Peter Kim
The Altimeter