We couldn't find the average metrics for Facebook member activity anywhere in our online search, so we decided to randomly pluck the information from profiles themselves... some interesting info pops out from the hundreds of member profiles:
Average Number of Friends Members are Connected To: 164
Median Number of Friends: 132
Average Number of Local Friends Connected To (native to your local network): 71
Median Number of Local Friends: 65
Average Number of Groups Joined: 11
Median Number of Groups: 9
Average Number of Applications Downloaded: 11.8
Median Number of Applications: 9
(Enjoyed reading this on essential applications too)
Average Number of Photos Members are Pictured In: 52
Median Number of Photos: 28
Average Number of Wall Posts on Profile Page : 217
Median Number of Wall Posts: 113
Average Amount of Profile Information Provided (as measured by lines of copy) : 12.0
Median Amount of Profile Information: 8.5
Caveats to the information - the profiles were plucked from the Toronto network, they were all not currently linked to our profiles, members provided their profile for public display and we used the naming convention used in Gladwell's The Tipping Point to randomly choose names. All these choices we believe don't have an appreciable effect on the type of information we might find across North America.
As you can see, the average usually exceeds the median on nearly every scale, suggesting as we found out when we did a quintile analysis, that there are truly some super influencers in producing content, exchanging messages and connecting to friends on Facebook, and therefore a rich minefield for the brokers of word of mouth influence and opinion leadership.
In general, of 10 hypotheses we tested, we found (in declining order) number of photos, groups, posts and lines of profile copy had the biggest determination on number of friends. Interestingly, the number of applications downloaded had very little bearing on a member's connectedness.
If you are a mega Facebook Influencer exceeding the averages above, please stop by my profile and leave a message, I'd love to hear from you and see what makes you tick.
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