Thirty percent of the client inquiries we get are about activating BtoB word of mouth. It was one of our more important pieces of feedback from last year's "From Mass to Grass" word of mouth conference - "we want more BtoB coverage" (and yes, we will have that this year).
And why not? It's a relationship -driven business where a small group of people can capture quite a bit of value chain, in terms of customer advaocay, customer support and add-on applications and content. Plus, more than 1/2 of business decisions are made due to word of mouth.
Spotted the attached slides from Marketing Profs on where BtoB marketers are currently spending their money (above) and where they are planning on shifting their money (below). Some very interesting numbers that suggest the future of BtoB marketing (if not already) is web-driven and grassroots education and immersion-led.
Social Media Zealots
Conversational Media Marketing
Greg Verdino
Altitude Branding
The Buzz Bin
Being Peter Kim
The Altimeter