After what seems like a 2 year odyssey, it comes down to today. Like planning a bad wedding, there has been so much angst and hubris over what turns out to be a one day event, in the end - there will be a party for one side of the family and a vigil for another.
With that in mind, attached are our picks for the words and phrases that shaped this election:
1) You betcha
2) Joe the Plumber
3) Change We Can Believe In
4) Boneheaded
5) Hockey Mom
6) Main Street/Wall Street
7) Bailout
8) Lipstick on a pig
9) That One
10) 90% of the time
11) Warshington
12) Spreading the wealth
13) Elite
14) My Friends
15) Yes We Can
!6) Beanbag
17) Pal around
18) Maverick
19) Fundamental
20) Energizing the Base
21) Drill (baby, Drill)
22) Preconditions
23) Arugula
24) Preconditions
25) Country first
Now lets retire them to the lexicon rafters after today and move on. Enjoy the vote today America.
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