Tackle prostate cancer globally, but Mo locally.
That's our motto for this year's runup to the highly buzzable and causeworthy Movember 2010 campaign. We've had the privilege of pulling together a rag tag crew of passionate Movember digital team captains and assistant captains from across Canada.
Their mission is to spread the good word about Movember (it would appear their efforts are already working as we are well ahead of our fundraising goals and Movember was trending for a number of hours yesterday) and involve themselves in a little Mo-opetition, fundraising through their various local, digital and social media outlets. They are the front row of a much larger crew of 2,000 digital influencers we are engaging across Canada.
So if you are looking for a team of digital peeps? and want to join our cause - here's where you can find us:
@MovemberVIC - Victoria B.C.
Team Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/582742/
Captain - Chris Burdge @b_West
Assistant Captains - Rod Phillips @rod_phillips and Juhli Selby @JUHLiSELBy
@MovemberYVR - Vancouver, B.C.
Team YVR Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/619810/
Captain James Sherrett @sherrett
Assistant Captains - Darren Barefoot @dbarefoot Monique Trottier @somisguided Adrian Eden @adrianeden
@MovemberYEG - Edmonton
Team YEG Link : http://ca.movember.com/mospace/558020/
Alberta Captain - Jason Darrah @jasdarrah
Assistant Captains -Jerry Aulenbach @zoomjer and Brittney Leblanc @britl
@MovemberYYC - Calgary,Alberta
Team YYC Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/539136/
Captain - Sarah Blue @superblue
Assistant Captains - James Bull @jimbones
@MovemberYQR - Regina, Saskatchewan
TEAM YQR Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/516288/
Captain - David Bellerive @stupidinregina
Assistant Captains - Lisa merle @lisamerle and Jeff Maystruck @fraserstrategy
@MovemberLDN - London, Ontario
TEAM LDN Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/745714/
Co-Captains - Matt Bergmann @creativematt and Ali Webb @ali_webb
Assistant Captains - Andrew Amos @andrew-amos and Karl Allen-Muncey @cutegecko
@MovemberTO - Toronto, Ontario
Team TO Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/533546/
Captain - Jeremy Wright @jeremywright
Assistant Captains - Melissa Smich @smichm Michael Nus @michaelnus
@MovemberYOW - Ottawa, Ontario
Team YOW Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/515608/
Captain - Allan Isfan @isfan
Assistant Captains - Claudia Petrilli @claudiapetrilli and Dave Hale @davechale
@MovemberYUL - Montreal, Quebec
Team YUL Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/525926/
Co-Captains - Eric Robillard @clownonfire and Sara Lomas @drawnin
Assistant Captains - Colleen Gainey @ColleenTG JS Chouinard @jschouinard
@MovemberYHZ - Halifax, Nova Scotia
Team YHZ link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/391178/
Captain: Ryan Joseph @famousfolks
Assistant Captains - Matt Whitman @matlantivex Emily Mong @emilymong and @Daniel Couto @coutodaniel
@MOChampions - Canada's digital Mo Ambassadors
MOChampions Team Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/157367/
Sean Moffitt @MovemberSean and Nadia Rushdi @MovemberNad
@MoCupcakes - The Quest for the Manliest Cupcakes
Bakers in crime: Marie Chidiac @mareechidiac Sandra Brunner @wallabina Tiffy @tiffykt Julia Cameron @juliacameron Adjea Duncan @prettysweetlife Sophie Biefield @sophiebifield
Our US Contingent:
Benevolent US Ringleader Mike Schneider @schneidermike (located in Boston)
TeamAUS - Austin, Texas - Aaron Strout @aaronstrout
TeamBOS - Boston, Mass. - Graham Nelson @grahamnelson
TeamDFW - Dallas, Texas - Kris Morrison@KMO_Chirp
TeamLAX - Los Angeles, California - Brian Aucoin
TeamSLC - Salt Lake City, Utah - DJ Waldow @djwaldow
TeamNYC - New York City, NY - Lisa Kolodny @kolodsoffun
TeamSEA - Seattle, Wash. - Damon Cortesi @dacort
TeamSAN - San Diego, Calfornia - BJ Cook @bj
TeamRDU - Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina - Gregory Ng @gregoryng
Movember and this A-team of Mos are ready, are you?
Social Media Zealots
Conversational Media Marketing
Greg Verdino
Altitude Branding
The Buzz Bin
Being Peter Kim
The Altimeter