For those 400,000+ people who become Mo Bros and MoSistas this year and the millions more that follow them, you may pass through the 8 stages of MO to become a truly self-actualized Mo.
Where are you on this scale...
Stage 1 - Aware - 100% of us, you know about and you revel in knowing what Movember is all about
Stage 2 - Participating - 70% - you have advocated the cause at some point over the 30 days
Stage 3 - Involved - 50% - you have publicly declared interest with your profile and wallet
Stage 4 - Committed - 35% - you`re not on the sidelines, you`ve publicly shown your advocacy by growing a handsome or not so handsome Mo (or supported others madly who did - MoSistas)
Stage 5 - Engaged -20% - you`ve built a team, became a change agent and enthusiastically rallied to troops to follow you into the cauldron of Mo-dom
Stage 6 - Champion - 10% -it wasn`t enough to build a fundraising sect, you`ve gone out of your comfort zone and hosted an event, stunt or something beyond your known circle of friends
Stage 7 - Captain - 3% - your passion has been recognized and you`ve become a bit of a local cause celebré for your Mo creativity, conviction and commitment
Stage 8 - Fanatic - 1% - consider this your full time job - likely you have a `stache tattooed permanently and have devoted 20+ hours per week to the Mo Cause before, during and after these 30 days
Wherever it is you are on this scale, we salute you!
Social Media Zealots
Conversational Media Marketing
Greg Verdino
Altitude Branding
The Buzz Bin
Being Peter Kim
The Altimeter